an attempt to remain conscious
posted on March 11, 2004 @ 5:06 pm

i'm trying to stay awake, so i've assigned myself the task of finding facts about me. you know, everyone does this, lists facts about themselves that i guess no one is supposed to know, at least not the general public. this is actually really hard...

*it takes a long time for me to have sex with someone i actually care about (as opposed to random people i'd just jump on).

*if you hand me a wad of one dollar bills, i'll know if it's seven or not. furthermore all my bills must be facing the same way, and i love to arrange/count money. [work]

*in elementary school i'd draw comic strips that weren't all together interesting. to other people at least. one was propoganda for jesus. i only just remembered this due to my recent copycat-ing of comics while at work:

*if i don't constantly repeat a thought, i'll forget it in about twenty seconds, as i just did with the next fact [it took forever to remember].

*in my dreams, around 90% of kisses bestowed upon me are disgusting, sloppy and drool-y. i used to really put meaning into the ones that weren't, since they came from cool people, until recently when a jackass who works at the garage gave me a decent dreamkiss. disturbing.

*one of my past male encounters is in jail for murder. another is dead. another is 34.

*i am a kissing whore. not that i'd go from person to person, i could get one person and make out with them forever. preferably owen. or trent reznor. or owen and trent reznor.

*the first boy who kissed me, on the cheek, was christopher beaugrand, in mrs. huffman's first grade class. i chased him around the room as we waited to be dismissed for the day, asking why he did it, until mrs. huffman told us to stop running in the classroom. i pretended i didn't like him for the rest of first grade and all of second grade, yet i totally thought he was the cutest thing ever. my heart broke when, in third grade, i learned he'd moved to dallas over the summer.

*my first "real" kiss from a boy was on my 16th birthday. our tongues barely touched, and when we thought the other wasn't looking (i of course was), we wiped our mouths. "rape me" was playing on the radio. i lost my virginity before i got a kiss. on my way back from taking him home, i stopped my car in the middle of the country road, killed the engine, and cried. for the rest of the day i was very angry and mean to everyone.

*because of previously mentioned de-flowering boy, i can no longer handle dirty fingernails.

*when i was four or five, i played t-ball. my coach was a third(?) cousin-in-law, and his son was on my team. coach is a preacher and son, just a year or two younger than me, is going to school to become one as well.

*i have a membership to the megaplexxx. i <3 porn, but you should know this by now. i'm very visual when it comes to sexual matters. i love bodies. i want to inspect someone, but i've yet to be around someone i felt comfortable enough with to do as much (because my comfort would stem from theirs, and i'm sure anyone would just find that annoying/retarded).

this is enough bs for now. i want to read.
<3, chelsea.

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