c'est tout
posted on October 08, 2003 @ 1:34 am

"terrible vision," rhett miller

the past few days i've felt very terrible.

this made me feel a bit better, however:

"Yes. We need vacuum tubes. See, this way, I could call up pyx, who is but three blocks away at another garage but might as well be in Bumfuck Egypt for all my ability to leave this office, tell her, "Yo, I'm needing nicotine. Spot me?", and she could in turn drop a cigarette into the canister and shoot it over to me, preferably with a big red bow around it and accompanied by a cheesy Hallmark card telling me to "Hang in there, Kitty!", and I could take a drag of the sweet lethal tobacco therein and then I wouldn't be so goddamn irritable and headachy and prone to run-on sentences, and the world really would be a happier place, now wouldn't it, and you really need to agree with me for the time being because I'm fidgety and uncomfortable and ticktock ticktock ka-fucking-bloom!!! and it is imperative that I be appeased." -cole

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