snippets of motherly conversation
posted on October 02, 2003 @ 11:31 pm

"carondelet," ruby
"jet age," ladytron

"what's up slllut!"
":laughing: what?"
"oh, is in inappropriate to call your mother a slut?"
"i think so. oh, you called me a slut. i wasn't expecting anything after the 'up.'"
"did you get your grammar flyers up?"
"did you get that girl's other paper done?"
"yeah. her husband's going to grad school and has to write something as part of his application, so he's going to pay me to edit it."
"that's great. money from that will really help, especially if you can get others."
"jennifer said she'd pay me in sex."
":laughing: that's rather inappropriate."
"i know, i was like, 'you don't have a penis!' and she was like, 'oh yeah, i forgot.' i told her, 'sex don't pay the rent!'"
"no, it doesn't."

here's random work pictures. i cut myself some bangs, so that's why i'm in there. and the stamp has too much ink, so it looks like blood. i like that it's splattered on the ticket reader and no checks list.

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