what do you call a man in handcuffs? hot.
posted on August 15, 2003 @ 4:56 pm

radio commercials

last night i was talking to jennifer about my lack of medication:

"it's been like three days since i've had my medicine, so it's been slowly :makes steps in the air with her hand:�"
"�:makes flat bottom with her hand: and it just left me today. well, last night rather. i was lying in bed just thinking, which is never good�"
":makes an unpleased face: ooh, that's never good. i always cry."
"i know!"

the punchline of the joke in the subject line is supposed to be "trustworthy." mine's good, too.

i went to 33 degrees to get my anniversary ticket for the 29th. i asked, "do you still have anniversary tickets?"
other guy: "when's that?"
"of september?"
"no, august."
original guy: "oh, here they are. you're the first one."

they're weird plain white tickets. i have ticket #1. i'm just assuming others who plan to attend know there won't be a huge demand for tickets, but i like having the security in knowing i have mine and i'll be there.

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