i got cargo fever! (not really)
posted on August 10, 2003 @ 7:37 pm

yay i won my poe books. =D only an hour and a half before another auction ends.

last night there were work people gathering, so i went to attempt socializing. we went to slick willies again and to tim's afterward. it was nice. tim said something about as long as i'm not suicidal it's great. he also coined a phrase i told him he should put on a shirt:

nothing hits the spot
like some nicely placed twat.

he has the cutest dog named cricket and a cat named yoda. yoda looks just like gizmo; he's so cute and friendly.

that's all though. everything else is the same: toothaches, headache (though currently waning), allergies. wee!

peace, love, and cargo!
<3, chelsea.

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