home is not where i cry with no end in sight
posted on May 10, 2003 @ 5:07 pm

i'm going home in about half an hour. i can't wait.

home is where banana nut crunch cereal is. home is where there are no people spitting at me and calling me a "fucking whore" because they didn't have the best parking experience. home is where i can watch cartoon network and nickelodeon. home is where people will talk to me. home is where people say that i'm pretty. i know it's just because they're my family and they have to say that, but at least i hear it.

home is not this fucking place, where no one gives me a chance. home is not where everyone i know wastes time on people who won't like them because we know we're too cool for that (with the exception of me quite obviously). home is not somewhere i think about nothing but being alone, having to write in my trent spiral for an hour just to avert suicide. home is not where i have people asking me how to talk to hot girls or whining because no one likes them when they have an offer every week. home is not where heartbreak is.

it's going to crush me further to return tuesday morning.

i went from beaming to sobbing in two seconds, and i hate all of you for it.* i have four friends. 25% of them has caused me physical injury. i'm sure 50% of them very soon shall. i've always hoped i'd never get like this again.

*not really, i'm just really sad and mad.

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