today is flat beneath the weight of next day next day next day next day
posted on May 08, 2003 @ 2:43 am

the boob tube

on my way home i had a thought. when's tomorrow coming?

i don't mean the tomorrow that's technically today. i don't mean the tomorrow that's 21 hours away.

i mean that tomorrow when everything's going to be okay. don't worry, tomorrow will be better. get some sleep. relax. bollocks bollocks. i've slept. i've relaxed. when is it tomorrow? is this a trick? when one says "tomorrow," do they mean "in approximately five to ten years"? i really wish they'd get their terminology straight.

jennifer said she had a revelation today whilst watching sesame street. snuffy and big bird were waiting for tomorrow to come so they could play (rather than playing then, silly, yes). as people passed, they'd ask, "is it tomorrow yet?"
"is it tomorrow now?"

"i started thinking about it, and tomorrow never comes. once it's 'tomorrow,' it's technically 'today.'"
"what? i know it was just sesame street, but still."
"no...i know."

i couldn't believe she'd said that, right after my drive home and heavy contemplation. i was trying to cheer up, and being in her company definitely helped. that brought me back a few minutes.

more insight later i'm sure. i've got to sit down with my trent spiral. he's safer.

blah, chels.

in the morning, feeling halfright, ignore my condition. just an isolated incident. appearing normal. when my mind's uncertain my body decides what it will do to get through the hell of the night as i trip on the ocean that leads through your eyes. well my eyes can't wait til they finally see through you. when i get this feeling like i'm gonna start i just have to stop!

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