not just the heat makes summer suck
posted on April 25, 2003 @ 5:06 pm

"not again," mustard plug

a blonde rotisserie chicken walked up to me, interrupting my consumption of tortilla chips and cheese. i gave her a glare and flatly said, hi. she had the most overpowering, choking musk that was coming through the window. she glanced over to the machine she could have been paying and said, "oh, can i pay there?"
:nods slowly, keeping the glare:

she left, and not a moment too soon.

even layla's tanning. it's depressing. she's depressing. she's like my equivalent to shannon now.

the song title's rather appropriate. i just noticed.

"she gets mad, and she starts to cry, takes a swing but she can't hit. she don't mean no harm. she just don't know what else to do about it."
<3, chels.

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