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posted on March 15, 2003 @ 4:29 pm

well, this should be near complete. i know, i know, i change templates like every week. get over it. i stayed half an hour late at work just to do this with the high-speed connection. i must depart now, however, because the vomitous feeling has gone and now i'm freaking hungry! and i must visit best buy. wee hedwig. i just saw frank ride by with a boy. you know where they're going that i'm not going? a free concert. rawr. it may be his dinky country, but (don't tell) i don't think it's half bad.

oh, by the way, the chick who made this template is tweaked (is that right? i was trying to convey "retarded"). in any event, i had to compare this one to my lenore one just to get basic commands to work. it was very annoying. in another year i should be a computer programer. i'm keeping her link there anyway because she's hosting the picture, and she did, after all, do the bulk of the business.

<3, chels.

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