fyi: wherefore means "why," not "where"
posted on February 16, 2003 @ 5:52 am

"talk show host," radiohead

i slept til 6:30 p.m. today. ha. my mom called around 5:00 p.m., asking me if i got her package. i half-asleep-lice (a middle english version of -ly. why am i such a dork?) raved about my movie, and she said people wondered why she was sending her daughter rosemary's baby on valentine's day. she told them they just had to know me. :)

when i got up, i just sat around for a couple of hours then got cat so he could buy me some cheap vodka. it was $10.79, as opposed to the special they sometimes have, during which it's $9.99. oh well. we got food at long john silver's, which is really weird cause i haven't had that in like ten years or something. we started watching rosemary's baby, but he ditched me for loud music and alcohol as he is want to do. on our way out, jennifer asked if that was my vodka on the fridge. i told her yes, and she asked, "can we [whe had two people from work in her room] open it?"
"can we just have like a cup? half a cup?"
"buy your own vodka."

i said it so scathingly, but i was definitely not in the mood to hear drunk people...or any people for that matter. i feel absolutely terrible now, however. i hate apologizing when i actually did something horrid. "it's hard to say you're sorry when you know that you were wrong."

when i got back from taking him home around 11:30 p.m., i was sitting here talking to owen, about to cry for whatever reason, about to go drink by myself, when i heard someone knock at the door. i ignored it cause i thought it was someone else for jennifer. a little later there was a knock at my door. "what?"
"what?!" :thinking, open the goddamned door, i told you not to knock:
:knock, knock, then the door creeps open: "hello? is anybody home?"

it was a guy, and i was thoroughly confused considering cat has no car, and bryan's back in longview. then it dawned on me as he started asking if i was in here that it was frank. which filled me with all sorts of specialness cause no one ever just drops by. i had been really hoping that he'd come back from being away online so i could coax him into being around me; i really didn't want to get drunk, be alone, or get drunk alone. he picked up on my vibes and just showed up, though. i got to skip a step. he said jennifer walked up to the door from somewhere; otherwise he would have just left. i'm glad she happened to come home from wherever.

he stayed around til about 2:30 a.m., so as he left i went to the garage to give john blank cds for american idol. haha, that's great. i'm actually sacrificing cds for that. oh well, i got 50 for xmas. i talked to him for about 20 minutes. he's so funny. he's an ordained minister, and i can't say that i'm overly shocked to hear that. by monday, i shall be the proud owner of american idol. ooh, and he said he has like 200 dreamcast games that he'll let me borrow. that's great considering i just got the crappy rejects my stepdad gave me.

hrm. oh yeah, i drove around for about an hour. i'm so jealous of these people with their huge fucking houses overlooking valleys that are gorgeous in the night, god only knows how gorgeous during the day. oh well. i'll just keep telling myself they have their heads up their asses and their priorities in the wrong order. =

one more note. congress just scares people to make us rely on them more, make whatever they do okay because we're a country so deprately in need. fuck you government. that is all.

"i want to be someone else or i'll explode."
<3, pyx.

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