i've got a 162 in my buick. that's my new pick-up line
posted on January 09, 2003 @ 1:28 am

"same ol' road," dredg

tonight this construction guy (so he looked) was asking me about school and stuff while his credit card was going through. his wife called his cell phone, and he said, "hi. :pause: i'm flirting. :pause: i'm flirting with�what's your name?"
":louder: chelsea."
"i'm flirting with chelsea, paying my way out of the garage."


oh my god tima just jumped onto my keyboard. what a ho.

frank said that he would change the oil in my car. if he messes my dear travis up, i'll mess him up! :bares her teeth:

anyway, i'm starved and want pancakes. tomorrow layla, shively and i are going to the austin art museum because it's only $1. we're going to park in shab's appartments and just take the 1 to it (it's on congress). back to slc punk.

<3, chelsea.

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