surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
posted on December 16, 2002 @ 7:09 pm

"gotta get thru this," david bedingfield

i don't dance at all, i never have (well, once in the 8th grade), but this song makes me want to. the words are so wonderful. :melts: i seriously need to get this on a cd.

earlier a guy with my glasses came through, and as he walked off he wished me a good weekend. while waiting for the elevator (next to an office window), we looked at each other, smiled, and looked down at the same time. we shy people are the best. people with confidence just...i don't know, i don't like them. people who loathe themselves, that's what i'm talking about. ;)

p.s.: i have to have 15 books (the grunt's in my greek class, requiring 10) for a grand total of $295.20 from the co-op or $226.45 from :moan: terribleness.

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