hi, i'm a federal agent
posted on December 16, 2002 @ 4:26 pm

"dream on," depeche mode

a federal agent just tried to not pay. flashed his badge and everything. i made him pay then laughed as he walked away. take that, government.

i just saw a cute guy i couldn't help at PG5 for the third time. i told him, "you're everywhere i go," and he laughed. he always wears a black choker.

i've got to find out what books i need for next semester, considering i'm still in school. x_X

"blame it on your karmic curse, oh shame upon the universe. it knows its lines, it's well rehearsed. it sucked you in, it dragged you down to where there is no hallowed ground, where holiness is never found."
<3, chelsea.

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