...so does the pain
posted on December 07, 2002 @ 5:32 pm

jonathan just imed me. i almost just left without saying anything. i should have asked jennifer what to do instead of being too lazy to get up or yell. that's what she would have said to do, and that's what i would have done (naturally). he just said he quit one of his jobs since he got a raise at the other, i said i have to find another, then he said bye. :growls: i don't want to deal with him. i think he should disappear.

i blame cat cause i got on here to see if he was on. heh. he's my new scapegoat for not sleeping, lagging at work, etc.

oh. and marc came by earlier right as i was leaving to pick up jennifer. i was putting my shoes on and heard rocks against my window. when i went to the door, the bottom lock was unlocked but the top (no access from the outside) was not. as i exited and locked the door, he came up to me. i tried to be at least apathetic, but i couldn't. damn my weakness for cute, nice people. haha, jennifer said i should have screamed, "i hate you!" and ran off. he asked if i wanted to go eat now or later, and i said okay. he asked which, knowing well i don't make decisions. now let's see if he actually shows up later tonight. i'm guessing no. :sigh: i'm so mad that he just left. damn it i want cable and cheap rent.

:lays her head on the desk: i'm getting a headache. i feel so crappy and lonely lately. layla just goes to shab's and gets high and drunk, and, well, that's it for my list of friends. jennifer's always around at least, and cat usually has me covered in the middle of the night. this was the first saturday layla hasn't called at 11:00 a.m. (knowing i'm asleep) to ask what i'm doing. god i wish my family lived here. i just wish i had somewhere to go and sit, someone else's house. it used to be jonathan (before we went out): i'd just go and play mario rpg. before that it was leah's. i don't like not having anywhere to go except up and down highways.

i'm going to go eat i suppose. i bought some groceries and should make good use of them. cat's got me feeling bad for not eating. i think i'll get dolled up in black, too, to properly display my sadness. ;)

<3, chelsea.

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