i read the three-hour-long conversation owen and i had the other day, and now i feel better
posted on October 23, 2002 @ 6:00 am

Reine des Pixies: i wanna be a vampire :-(
Reine des Pixies: you don't happen to be a vampire do you?

cluthu: Ooh. You have the beauty and intelligence bits down.

Reine des Pixies: :blushes: hardly

cluthu: You know, I often wonder about that.
cluthu: I have a strong dislike of the sun, my blood is always doing weird things, I like to think about biting people, I like the occult...
cluthu: Sometimes I lick the wounds I get...

Reine des Pixies: i always do
Reine des Pixies: it's recycling ^_^
Reine des Pixies: plus i'm totally obsessed with blood

cluthu: Well you could lick my wounds then. I don't have any diseases.

Reine des Pixies: mm owen blood

cluthu: At least, none that can be transmitted through bodily fluids.
cluthu: Mental problems, genetic issues...they're another issue...
cluthu: ^_^
cluthu: Yes yes, Owen blood!
cluthu: You'd like mine, I think. It's nice and thick.
cluthu: And oh so red.

Reine des Pixies: :drools:
Reine des Pixies: (:

cluthu: And if I get cut just so I can bleed like a mofo ^_^
cluthu: :giggle: I'd have to find situations where I get cut though, most of my bleeding is of the nasal variety.
cluthu: And I don't think you'd want blood from there.

Reine des Pixies: hehe

cluthu: :purrs: Sorry, I'm thinking about Pyx lapping up my blood.

Reine des Pixies: i remember a guy asking me one time after i told him about how crazy i am over blood, "so, like, if i get a nosebleed will you get turned on?"
":laughing: don't think so."

cluthu: Owen(thinking): "No! Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts..." :a thought bubble appears over Owen's head containing Barney Gumble (of Simpsons fame) wearing a bikini:
cluthu: Barney: "Yoo-hoo!"
cluthu: ^_^


Reine des Pixies: earlier i was telling someone what my dream wedding would be

cluthu: Oh?

Reine des Pixies: it'd be in a huge gothic cathedral in germany or something, and i'd be in an elaborate black and maroon (like my window) dress, and i'd spend tons to get minstrels and birds and everything.
Reine des Pixies: and it definitely wouldn't be in english

cluthu: :purrs: That sounds absolutely wonderful!

Reine des Pixies: doesn't it!

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