this isn't happening happening happening happening�it is.
posted on May 09, 2002 @ 2:14 pm

bright eyes

me: "in linguistics we were talking about bipolar people...i mean, bilingual. heh, it was just on my mind because i took my medicine last night. it'd been like a week."
layla: "yeah, i could tell."
me: ":grimace: i know. like yesterday while we were watching 'jeopardy,' and i was talking about punching everyone in the face because they're so stupid?"
layla: "yeah, and about more abstract things, like when you were talking to jonathan. you know?"
me: "plus i've been crying for the past 48 hours."
layla: "yeah, that's not good."
me: "that's funny that you said you could tell i haven't taken my medicine. yesterday i was writing in my journal about how i could tell i haven't had it."
layla: "you were just saying you hated everything, and you don't. i mean, you pretty much love a lot of things. at least i think so."

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